Today's Forecast: Conservative Letters, Followed by Neutral Op-Eds
Today's Biased Letters to the Editor:

The NJ revives that reliable old chestnut sure to generate lots of comment, global warming, with the usual crank letter, this time from a "Mr. Whipple" in Middletown. Mr. Whipple states unequivocally that there's no such thing as global warming because NOAA says "
the average temperature in 2009 was only '1.01 degree F above the 20th-century average.'"
Continuing the crazy old fart rant, we have a letter from a disgruntled Repub-... oops, I mean conservative... who wants to point out that our current governor is responsible for the sorry fiscal mess Delaware is in right now because he was treasurer under Minner. Of course, Delaware's current situation has absolutely nothing to do with George Bush running the entire US economy into the toilet, does it? Nah.
Today's Biased Op-Eds:
The Delaware Voice column is a conservative hymn in praise of St. Ronald - Reagan, that is - from a former Reagan appointee to some obscure committee I've never heard of, now living in Rehoboth Beach and dreaming of glories past.
Chuck Raasch's neutral column reports on Obama's Q&A with Republicans in Baltimore last week and what various commentators are saying about it.
Liberal columnist Margaret Carlson points out that Sarah Palin is a hypocrite (duh) because she hasn't jumped all over Rush Limbaugh for repeatedly using the word "retard" in a rant against "political correctness," although when Rahm Emmanuel said it (once) last week, she tore him a new one.
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