Saturday, January 3, 2009

News Journal Stirs the Pot By Printing Lies

OK, so I have to respond to this idiotic letter in today's paper:

The media are worshipping Obama before he takes office, even saying he is the greatest president since Lincoln. The media will beatify him on Jan. 20, and canonize him after the 100 days. Why not let the man perform before deifying him? I note that his closest advisers -- Jarrett, Axelrod, and Emanuel -- were all trained in the Kelly/Daley/Daley Chicago machine that trained Blagojevich.

- Christian S. Rondestvedt, Wilmington

I posted this on the N-J's site in response:

If you Google the phrase "greatest president since Lincoln," all you come up with is a bunch of sites laying that title on Bush and Reagan, a few that give it to FDR, and some comments on personal blogs and Letters to the Editor at other papers. If you narrow the search to look only for news articles, you come up with exactly 2 articles: a liberal blog that assigns the title to FDR... AND THIS LETTER that we're all commenting on here!!!

To say that "The media are ... saying [Obama] is the greatest president since Lincoln" is not an opinion, it's a lie. Say that you hate Obama, say that you think he's corrupt because he's from Chicago. Fine, I won't argue with your right to hold that opinion. But DON'T LIE to come up with support for your argument!

Shame on the News Journal for stirring the pot with garbage like this. It just gives legitimacy to yet another lie that right-wingers can parrot to each other as a fact -- and it must be true, because they read it in the paper.

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