Petition signers do not claim to be climate experts but instead that they have earned a bachelor of science degree or higher, giving them a solid foundation for evaluating scientific evidence. Over 18,000 hold advanced degrees.I got curious about that, and decided to do a little web research of my own on about who the signers from Delaware are and why they might be uniquely qualified to debunk global warming.
The site says that credentials are evaluated and identities verified before names are added to the petition, contrary to the writer's claim. The letter writer said he could not verify petition signers, but I verified 25 signers from a list of Delaware licensed professional engineers and another seven from personal knowledge.
First of all, here's what the Petition Project says about its signers:
All of the listed signers have formal educations in fields of specialization that suitably qualify them to evaluate the research data related to the petition statement. Many of the signers currently work in climatological, meteorological, atmospheric, environmental, geophysical, astronomical, and biological fields directly involved in the climate change controversy.
If you want a real good laugh, check out the form that signers mail in to sign the petition and verify their credentials.
On to what I found out about the "licensed professionals" whose word carries so much weight about climatology and global warming. A few observations of my own to start:
- In my opinion, being a chemist does not make you an expert on climatology, meteorology or global warming
- If you've been retired for 20 or 30 years, there's a chance you're not quite up to snuff on the latest scientific research and methodologies
- If you are indeed an acknowledged expert in something, there's going to be information on the web about you; if there isn't, you ain't an expert.
- Earl Arthur Abrahamson, PhD - Chemist with Dupont, at 84 probably retired
- Albert W. Alsop, PhD - Chemist with Dupont, several patents in polymers
- Giacomo Armand, PhD - Chemist with Dupont, patents in polymers
- Joseph Bartholomew Arots, PhD - Chemist with Hercules, 86 years old, speaker on corrosion rates at a water conference in 1977, so he's probably retired
- Charles Hammond Arrington, PhD - inconclusive, although OzoneAction lists him under the "Scientists whose fields of specialization are in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, and other Life Sciences." There is a Charles A. Arrington who's quite prominent in chemistry fields, and a C. Arrington who taught physics at UVa and authored at least one paper on magnetic properties. Charles H. Arrington has some connection to UD (he's made donations) and used to live in Charlottesville, VA, so he could be the same guy as the physics prof.
- Andrejs Baidins, PhD - Chemist with Dupont, 78 so probably retired
- Lewis Clinton Bancroft - Chemist with Dupont, at 80 probably retired
- Theo C. Baumeister - Mechanical Engineer with Dupont, 83 years old so probably retired, co-author of Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers
- Paul Becher PhD - Chemist with Dupont, 90 years old. Editor of Encyclopedia of Emulsion Technology
- Scott K. Beegle - Inconclusive, although this is probably the same Scott K. Beegle who's a Technical Project Manager at BAE Systems, a Philadelphia defense contractor that provides surveillance systems to the military. He's also a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Aerospace; there's no evidence of what his credentials to belong might be, although I'd surmise that he's eligible because of his employment at BAE.
- Oswald R. Bergmann, PhD - Dupont chemist, has written papers on explosives and made presentations at mining societies, 76 years old so probably retired
- Robert Paul Bigliano - DECEASED 5/2/2008. Former Dupont employee with medical device patents
- William A. Bizjak - U of D mechanical engineering alum. 60 years old, unable to find any professional information about him
- William L. Blackwell - Undetermined, although the phrase "William L. Blackwell, P.E., Mechanical Engineer, Delaware" shows up in a Google search as being used in online comments for a Pennsylvania newspaper
- Charles G. Boncelet, PhD - UD professor, Electrical Engineering
- Frank R. Borger - no Delaware address or phone, no information about profession or qualifications. The only Frank Borger on the web seems to be a doctor in Chicago.
- Ernest R. Bosetti - Engineer. Listed as "Ernest R. Bosetti, P.E." under donations to UD's mechanical engineering program
- John Harland Boughton, PhD - Chemist with Dupont, at 76 probably retired
- Charles J. Brown Jr., PhD - Undetermined. Unable to find any information on a Dr. Charles Brown, Charles J. Brown Jr., or Charles Brown Jr. in Delaware.
- Thomas S. Buchanan, PhD - Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware
- Bruce M. Buker - Principal of Karins and Associates, a consulting firm specializing in land and transportation engineering
- Charles B. Buonassisi - DECEASED. Former Dupont textiles researcher, degree in mechanical engineering
- Donovan C. Carbaugh, PhD - Graduated from University of Maryland in 1962 with a degree in chemical engineering. No other web references except for a high level of activity in local Republican Party politics, including numerous campaign donations
- Louise M. Carter -- only references to a Louise M. Carter from Delaware are campaign donations to local Republican candidates
- William B. Carter - Undetermined, name too common
- Leonard B. Chandler, PhD - DECEASED 9/2/2008. Former chemist for Dupont.
- Robert John Chorvat, PhD - Former chemist for Dupont, now Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Jenrin Discovery, Inc., a pharmaceutical research and development company
- Emil E. Christofano - Industrial Hygienist at Hercules, 79 years old
- Alexander Cisar - Physics Professor at Wesley College in Dover
- Ian Clark - possibly formerly with Ciba Specialty Chemicals, although main references now seem to be to a California company, Genentech
- George Rolland Cole, PhD - Wrote his doctoral thesis on "Photoconductivity and Formation of Color Centers in Potassium-Chloride Containing Strontium Additive" in 1957. Possibly the author of physical science textbooks/workbooks, may be associated with U of DE. Age 84.
- Albert Z. Conner -- Chemist with Hercules. Possibly retired now, since he was lauded a couple of years ago by UD's chemistry alumni group for being a member of the ACS (American Chemical Society?) for 60 years, and he was presenting papers at pharmaceutical conventions in the 70's.
- Nancy H. Conner - No info other than a Wilmington address. Possibly married to Albert Z. Conner?
- Harry Norma Cripps, PhD - Chemist for Dupont. 83 years old, so possibly retired.
- R. D. Crooks- Chemist, but I don't know where. Only reference is a paper he co-authored on corrosion published in 1995 by the Swedish Corrosion Institute.
- William H. Day, PhD - Biologist with the USDA's Beneficial Insects Research Laboratory in Newark
- Daniel M. Dayton - no information except an address in Hockessin
- Lawrence De Heer - President of Blaze System Solutions, a company providing prepackaged information/database software "typically employed in manufacturing, petro/chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and environmental laboratories."
- Pamela J. Delaney - No information except that she is married to a "Bill Delaney" and lives in Hockessin. Appears to be the wife of the next signer.
- William E. Delaney II, PhD -- Lives in Hockessin. The only Dr. William E. Delaney in our area is an oncologist practicing just over the line in PA. Among his relatives is listed a "Pamela Delaney."
- Dennis O. Dever - Degree in chemical engineering from UD, 1987. Has given seminars on polymers, associated with Drexel University
- Seshasayi Dharmavaram, PhD -- Appears to work for the Department of Defense on issues involving proper disposal of waste solvents
- Walter Domorod - Deceased at age 84 on 12/31/09. According to his obituary, he had a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and worked first for for Educational Testing Services ((the SAT people) then for Kalex Corporation, a Pennsylvania real estate enterprise.
- Roland G. Downing, PhD - Member of "SAFE" (Secure America’s Future Economy, formerly SENIORS AGAINST FEDERAL EXTRAVAGANCE), a Wilmington organization for people who think the AARP is too liberal, and former Secretary General of Sons of the American Revolution. I''ve found no references to what he might have done before he retired.
- Francis J. Doyle - With the Mechanical Engineering Department at U of D
- Arthur Edwin Drake, PhD -- no information other than he's 90 years old, has made a contribution to the Republican party, and lives in either Dover or Wilmington
- C M Drummund - no references to a CM Drummund in Delaware
- Eric James Evain, PhD - Wilmington attorney with a PhD in Organic Chemistry, represents chemical companies in patent cases
- Elizabeth W. Fahl, PhD - No information on a professional career. 78 years old, plays tournaments in the Mid-Atlantic Bridge Conference, active with The Junior League of Wilmington.
- Stephen R. Fahnestock, PhD - Chemist with Dupont
- Eric R. Fahnoe - Director of Finance and Planning at Elsicon, Inc., a company dealing with the research and manufacture of LCDs
- Enrico Thomas Federighi, PhD - Mathematician, but I don't know where. 82 years old.
- Thomas Aven Ford, PhD - Chemist with Dupont. Graduated from the U of Wyoming in 1932 with a BA., had Dupont patents in the 50's -- this would put him somewhere around 100 years old.
- John Frederick Gates Clark, PhD -- the only reference I could find was to an entomologist with the National Museum of History in D.C.
- William J. Geimeier, MD - a Newark pediatrician and allergist
- Joseph Edmund Gervay, PhD - Chemist with Dupont
- Wayne Gibbons, PhD -- Vice President of Elsicon, the same LCD research company that petition signer Eric R. Fahnoe works for.
- Roderick J Gillespie Jr. - Newark architect
- David A. Glenn - Undetermined, name too common
- William H. Godshall -- Bill Godshall of Dover was my spouse's grandfather's best friend. We think he used to work for Playtex, but aren't sure -- he was retired for a long time before he died. He had no qualifications that we know of that would qualify him as a global warming expert. Bill Godshall died two years ago.
- John E. Greer Jr. - Mr. Greer is the author of the letter in the News Journal that sparked this post. He's a member of the Delaware Rail-Splitters Society (a Wilmington Tea Party group) and is a 1967 UD graduate who played in the marching band. In 1975, a John E. Greer (no "Jr.") was named Director of Purchasing at Hercules, but since the letter-writer is a Jr., I believe this, and most other online references, are to his father. Most frequently the name is mentioned in conjunction with charity work and donations to nonprofits like Hagley Museum and Winterthur.
- Alfred A. Gruber - Chemical engineer, retired.
- Lachhman D. Gupta- Professional Engineer, retired.
- Earl T. Hackett Jr. - Chemist with Dupont. In 2003, he was in the medical packaging division.
- R. M. Hagen, PhD - There are emails addresses listed for a Robert Hagen and a Randolph Hagen in Delaware, but no online information about a professional career.
- Thomas K. Haldas - Mechanical Engineer.
- Charles W. Hall - Undetermined. "Charles Hall" too common; only reference to a "Charles W. Hall" in Delaware is a memorial contribution to UD, and an address for a 74-year-old in Newark.
- Priscilla O. Hamilton, PhD - The only reference to a Priscilla Hamilton in Delaware is an address for an 82-year-old in Wilmington. The only "Dr. Priscilla Hamilton" in online references is a Fort Belvoir, VA dentist. No other professional references.
- Thomas W. Harding, PhD - Undetermined, aside from a Wilmington address. A Thomas W. Harding with Lehigh University filed for a patent in 1985 for an apparatus that produces negative ions.
- Charles R. Hartzell, PhD - Chemist, Dupont Institue/Nemours and UD chemistry department
- James R. Hodges - Retired, profession undetermined. Graduate of M.I.T., 1950. Frequent donor to Republican political candidates.
- Winfried Thomas Holfeld, PhD - Chemist for Dupont
- Anthony R. Hollet -No record of any sort for an Anthony R. Hollet, Tony Hollet or A.R. Hollet in Delaware; only one in whole U.S., and he appears to be a teenager
- Roger L. Hoyt - only info on a Roger Hoyt in Delaware is that he's 74, lives in Wilmington, and has spoken at a public hearing and to New Castle County Council about the Brandywine School District.